Im surprised u haven't fixed all the bugs yet u could add thrid place with different creatures to battle or add on a part to the murloc camp besides thats just a idea either way it's fucking awesome I never played something creative an Kool normally u play as a human in games that's what makes this so unique special an Kool an interesting
@tkon Well done, I understand maybe it will be hard, but you can someday add support for the Russian language to the game, don't worry, bro, do it with Google translator, not necessarily verbatim correct translation, even an approximate translation of words is enough to understand the essence of the game, I'm just Russian 😅 :)
hey I love this game can you please try and add a iOS version ? I own a iPhone and honestly I would love to play this game on it but at this point I’ve been just having to play on my pc instead.
I've never played Wow, but since childhood I loved playing Flash games on websites, Murloc is my favorite game, @tkon I can't pick up words as I am grateful to you, thank you very much for making Remastered this great game, unfortunately at the moment I only have an iPhone, and I look forward to every day for you to release this game on ios ❤️
How am I supposed to play this game as Rogue? I am literally stuck at level 2 because the Wolfs OWN me with their 20-30hits and my Worn Dagger deals them 3-4 dmg XD dafuq?
First off. TKon. You're amazing. This is amazing. I love everything about this. Played this game so much when I was younger and being able to play it on my phone was a nostalgic joy.
I have a few potential fixes I noticed while playing V2.2.2 on Android, specifically my Google Pixel 4 XL.
1. I didn't notice a level cap on items, like, it was in the tooltips, but not actually applicable. (not mad, as it made the grind way easier 😂) As well as, beginning dagger sells for 1 silver piece instead of 1 copper piece.
2. I noticed a couple maps missing from Zulgurub. In the old one there are two bridges, the second one being right before you fight Hakkar the Soul Flayer, and the second bridge is where the *hush hush, secret* was in the original game.
3. The music would turn itself back on pretty regularly and consistently after I turned it off.
4. People respawn if you die. Like, if I give the 1 ring to the murloc, he disappears. But when I die he's back. Same with the Goblin that you kill for Felvas. Killed him. Died shortly after. He respawned.
5. After killing the goblin for Felvas, I couldn't open dialogue with her to give her the gem back that she wanted.
6. May want to eventually look into rebalancing, as Agility Rogue is the most powerful by far and with all the agility items, Polymorph, and Pyroblast (which you get by level 20 regardless). Was able to 3 shot Onyxia who has over 9k hp.
7. Sirath is big wuss in Darkmoon Faire.
8. Some odd graphics things happening with Murk specifically where he has odd water looking reflections on him.
9. Noticed that the xp after a fight would say I got thousand(s) more exp than I actually did. I.e. it would say 1500 instead of 500 or 2400 instead of 400. Was consistent with every single enemy fought.
10. Last but not least. It might be cool to reintroduce the old mail man that was in the game right before Blizz sent the cease and desist originally.
This is genuinely so cool that I can play this again. And from my phone? Amazing and I'm super excited to see where you go with this. Keep up the great work TKon! :)
Played through 3-1/2 times now. Second play through allowed me to give Felva the gem back. First play through the dialogue wouldn't activate.
The belt that Menrok sells takes the Bracer slot instead of the belt slot, and the Blood Talisman takes the cape slot instead of the second trinket slot. Also noticed wolves don't spawn between the boat and Princess, they did in the original game.
The arena champion's shop doesn't have The Grand Marshall's Aegis. A shield that the original had that granted 2929 Armor and +23 Stamina.
Again. Amazing that you're doing this. And stellar work so far. <3
Hey can you help me? I choose Rogue because you hyped them being the best but I literally cant defeat lvl 2 Wolfs? They deal 20dmg non crit and my Worn Dagger deals 4-5dmg. What am I supposed to do literally at the start of the game
Start as Rogue. Take Lash of Pain in the second magic tree for 2nd level. List goes from there.
3rd-6th lvl: Fury Rogue talents.
7th lvl: Armor passive in Magic Tree
8th lvl-11th lvl: Magic Mage talents up to hp passive. Then max out other Magic side for Polymorph. Then take Pyroblast at level 15.
You can now Polymorph every enemy, adrenaline rush (for high hp enemies), Cold Blood, then Pyroblast. Repeat until the enemy dies.
I ignore Warrior path (Heroic Strike) pretty much period. It has no cool passives, and the abilities aren't as strong against the big enemies as the other trees. Heroic Strike also rolls off of your weapon damage. Meaning some hits are teeny tiny if you roll a 1. And some are strong if you roll higher. Lash of Pain is flat damage. It doesn't roll for the damage, just deals a set amount.
Last thing is to stack agility items for two reasons. Enough agility let's you basically auto crit without having to use Cold Blood, this saving energy. Plus more agility means more energy. Rogue is best because extra agility.
Early game you'll be using a lot of Cold Blood + Lash of Pain, with Frost Nova on the bigger enemies. Late game is Polymorph, Cold Blood + Pyroblast.
Hey thank you very much! I take that info into my next run. BUT isn't it weird how Lash of Pain is a must have otherwise you literally cant proceed in the game? I dont remember this being the case in the original release of this game. I think in the original you could slay lvl 1 wolfs in the first screen, lvl 2 wolfs on the second etc. So you were never fully stuck just slaying low level stuff would get you further.
But in this version every wolf on every screen is the same and scales beyond what a Worn Dagger can deal with.
Nice note on the volume issues, there are still a few things I am working on improving with sound being the main one. With the scaling, some mobs definitely scale and some don't however there are some wolves that are scaling when they shouldn't be. But that whole segment is current under rework atm!
OMG first of all, thank you so much for all your work since the Flash versions. The only Murloc game I played back in 2012~ish was the Murloc 3. And I loved this game so much that I literally could log off WoW to keep farming on my shaman murloc. I noticed some differences like not having the skill bar nor the WoW "hand" cursor. Althought I see that some depth are insert on this version (which may or may not needed to be changed to fit it), I really miss the sensation of playing a "2D WoW". Is this new layout permanent? I still love it and I'll keep playing it. But it would even more awesome to have these things back. Thank you again and keep up the excellent work! :D
Hiya, I am glad you enjoyed the game but note I am not the original creator but someone who has remade the whole game with plans to continue it. As for your points about the UI and such, this is not set in stone and I am looking to improve lots of these areas in the upcoming future!
An idea of a feature to implement. Levels of improvements for our equipment. We would go to a goblin who would offer us to improve our equipment, but in return we have to collect certain items as well as money.
Super nostalgic playing this again. Found a couple bugs playing the 2.2.2 windows version though:
-The starting dagger sells for 1 silver in stead of 1 copper.
-Equipment from the blacksmith can be equipped when not meeting the level requirement. At least in the classic game you could not equip for instance item level 5 stuff before level 5, but here you can.
-Idk why but weapons aren't showing in the animation when Murk attacks, like it used to in previous versions, he's just smacking with his bare hand.
-Saw a spelling mistake in warrior class description: "combar-oriented"
Hey, thanks for playing and these catches. Some of the spelling mistakes have been done intentionally to make a faithful remake of the game however going forward I will be making lots of changes to the text and gameplay for future expansions
Good morning ! Having played your game 3 times already, I will be waiting a while for new content to appear, but I will continue to monitor the progress!
In the meantime, I have an alert for you (based only on my memory).
There is a combo of spells that once unlocked will allow you to beat any enemy very simply, and it should definitely be corrected.
I no longer have the exact order in mind but it is a question of using the following magic spells:
- The magic spell that turns the enemy into a sheep for a few turns
- During this time, use the spell that changes life points into spell point
- Use the spell that will recharge our life points (or simply use potions but not personally needed)
- Attack the enemy until we have just enough magic points to turn them into a sheep again, and start the procedure again.
Thanks to these combos, I was able to beat all the enemies of the new content of v2, it was too easy and we could imagine something to avoid these combos
Not even the most op. You go Rogue. Only take the items with agility. Enough agility means you auto CRIT basically 99% of the time. You polymorph, then pyroblast. 3 hit Onyxia with no dust or meat.
Is this definitely version v2 version, it should say the version number on the menu. Very odd though I have not had this issue at all, but yes if you can please send a video!
Hey, I generally keep the source code private to avoid people trying to exploit the project and many of the grammar issues I kept in because that's what the original game had a word for word. However they are annoying and I have been changing them all recently
Hi, i did the elwynn forest stuff up to the point where the village gets robbed, then i went trough the portal, and the to be continued screen appeared.. After restarting and loading up the save, i am now just stuck in the darkmoon faire with nothing to do and no way of going anywhere else
Hey yeah sorry about that, unfortunately that is the way the original game functions I am afraid. What you wanted to have done is gone through the goblin portal machine to get to the STV content. In the future I do plan on changing this but wanted fully replicate the game as it was first :)
I enjoyed the game in the past and just saw this. First I want to thank you for letting us enjoy your incredible work.
After playing (MurlocClassic_V2_PC_STV_2.1.1/Windows 10) sadly my progress got lost because the loading screen got stuck and I didnt save. It crashed at lvl 17 when I wanted to go back through getting into the booth to the forest after defeating the dragon and the last one in the arena. Maybe this will help with some bug fixing.
I'll be looking forward to programming a game with RPG aspects just like this in HTML5 if there is enough time. I would like to share it with you at early stage, since you are one of the reasons I was becoming a developer in the first place :)
Hiya, Thanks for playing the game! Glad you liked it. I am aware of this saving issues and am working on it currently. I think for the HTML5 stuff you really want to eventually progress to using at the least JavaScript too, but then using less web based technologies like python / c++ too!
Sorry for the late reply, I recently got the desktop app for to welcome this platform more frequently. I am currently learning python with some AI projects and I will take that advice to actually begin developing that project today. I have a noisy concept but very often some new things come into mind while programming. I look forward to inform you the moment I have something that can be viewed :)
It seems if you choose to grind the Murlocs to the point that you become level 8 or really any higher level, Fenrius on the Quest becomes unbeatable, because there's no new weapons to buy. Scaling problem.
HOLY shit WHAAT!!!! I was just browsing Murlocs on Google Images because I adore them, they're just so funny and saw screenshots of the Murloc RPG game and wanted to play it again.. and there's now a remake and fresh threads SIX DAYS OLD?!?!?!
I swear to Jesus i remember playing some shit like this in 2008 or something before ever knowing what WoW is, golden age of Flash was it?. I don't think 5 year old self particularly knew what he was doing. This is great. This is childhood. I am so glad I've re-found it so many years later. Thank you.
Hey Tkon, really appreciate you working on this game.
Can you please nerf the weapon that drops from the last boss in gurubashi arena, it just destroys the point in the game itself. Also, I am assuming you have to script the part where you jump into the portal and go to darkmoon faire cuz the only way I was able to get to there was from a saved load after actually going into the portal and subsequently ending the game.
Hey yeah the Askandi, weapon is very strong! But ideally Helm shouldn't really be beaten till really clearing a large part of ZG. However the reason Askandi is so strong is because Onyxia's health pool is so large and thus ideally the player uses that item to help beat that but you are right it needs nerfing to a certain extent.
Also regarding DMF from my understanding that is how the game did originally load in the DMF as it was really a hidden extra zone that you found from loading up a completed save. But I will check this as I think it could of been changed in when the STV content came out back in the day!
Okayyy, well, just to clarify, I was able to beat the gurubashi bosses with only using the energy pots and a couple of health pots at like level 10-11 , if you want I can let you know the method I used. It just felt like it was an easy way to go through the mobs both as a mage and warrior .
Did you do this recently? I boosted all the bosses damage too so damn! Yes please if you could outline your method, there is definitely an optimal methods but yeah ideally you just wont be able to do it at such a low level in future!
It was a matter of not letting them do damage. For e.g - as a mage , cast frost nova , cold blood , energy pot , nova , cold blood , energy pot etc . and slowly the boss died. As a warrior I don't recall what I did but there was some sort of a similar method. Maybe for future references a limitation of 2-3-4 energy pots can mitigate this and only be acceptable for onyxia etc :D
Hi, so as it stands this is a complete remake of the original game. But obviously now we are at that point where that work has been mostly completed in the next X number of months I am looking forward to new content.
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Could you add any new creatures in zulugrub I noticed other ones in the back ground with yellow an red names add
And sometimes doesn't load up all the way
After u use move ambush it glitches where u walk behind characters
It produces better results
Type in best code writing directory like github
What's atm it's very interested though u write code to do all this if so GitHub has a code writing directory
But u did pretty good I'm surprised u could even remake the parts u did u got skills I'll give you that
What about making murloc 2 or linking the 2 together
I am currently working on that, it just requires lots of changes atm so could take a while
U never added the mailman either
I wont add the mailman ;/
U ever play murloc rpg 2
An the room in the back of rat mine with the dragon
I added the dragon recently
The start sword don't show during battle when equipped
Im surprised u haven't fixed all the bugs yet u could add thrid place with different creatures to battle or add on a part to the murloc camp besides thats just a idea either way it's fucking awesome I never played something creative an Kool normally u play as a human in games that's what makes this so unique special an Kool an interesting
Bro. Keep comments to like one thread please. Too many comments clogging the forum.
@tkon Well done, I understand maybe it will be hard, but you can someday add support for the Russian language to the game, don't worry, bro, do it with Google translator, not necessarily verbatim correct translation, even an approximate translation of words is enough to understand the essence of the game, I'm just Russian 😅 :)
hey I love this game can you please try and add a iOS version ? I own a iPhone and honestly I would love to play this game on it but at this point I’ve been just having to play on my pc instead.
Hey there dude, so this is something that I am looking into but it is just a real pain in the ass due to the way Apple does things!
I've never played Wow, but since childhood I loved playing Flash games on websites, Murloc is my favorite game, @tkon I can't pick up words as I am grateful to you, thank you very much for making Remastered this great game, unfortunately at the moment I only have an iPhone, and I look forward to every day for you to release this game on ios ❤️
How am I supposed to play this game as Rogue? I am literally stuck at level 2 because the Wolfs OWN me with their 20-30hits and my Worn Dagger deals them 3-4 dmg XD dafuq?
See my response to your comment on my post 😊
I think V2 need a faster animation on combat by a teeny tiny bit to feel like the original version of it
Maybe you can add others translations for texts ? (French by example) !
TKon i like your will to continue his game after 10 years and now i want to see what happened to murk and melanie
Still keep up the good work
**Spoilers for those who haven't played it yet.**
First off. TKon. You're amazing. This is amazing. I love everything about this. Played this game so much when I was younger and being able to play it on my phone was a nostalgic joy.
I have a few potential fixes I noticed while playing V2.2.2 on Android, specifically my Google Pixel 4 XL.
1. I didn't notice a level cap on items, like, it was in the tooltips, but not actually applicable. (not mad, as it made the grind way easier 😂) As well as, beginning dagger sells for 1 silver piece instead of 1 copper piece.
2. I noticed a couple maps missing from Zulgurub. In the old one there are two bridges, the second one being right before you fight Hakkar the Soul Flayer, and the second bridge is where the *hush hush, secret* was in the original game.
3. The music would turn itself back on pretty regularly and consistently after I turned it off.
4. People respawn if you die. Like, if I give the 1 ring to the murloc, he disappears. But when I die he's back. Same with the Goblin that you kill for Felvas. Killed him. Died shortly after. He respawned.
5. After killing the goblin for Felvas, I couldn't open dialogue with her to give her the gem back that she wanted.
6. May want to eventually look into rebalancing, as Agility Rogue is the most powerful by far and with all the agility items, Polymorph, and Pyroblast (which you get by level 20 regardless). Was able to 3 shot Onyxia who has over 9k hp.
7. Sirath is big wuss in Darkmoon Faire.
8. Some odd graphics things happening with Murk specifically where he has odd water looking reflections on him.
9. Noticed that the xp after a fight would say I got thousand(s) more exp than I actually did. I.e. it would say 1500 instead of 500 or 2400 instead of 400. Was consistent with every single enemy fought.
10. Last but not least. It might be cool to reintroduce the old mail man that was in the game right before Blizz sent the cease and desist originally.
This is genuinely so cool that I can play this again. And from my phone? Amazing and I'm super excited to see where you go with this. Keep up the great work TKon! :)
Played through 3-1/2 times now. Second play through allowed me to give Felva the gem back. First play through the dialogue wouldn't activate.
The belt that Menrok sells takes the Bracer slot instead of the belt slot, and the Blood Talisman takes the cape slot instead of the second trinket slot. Also noticed wolves don't spawn between the boat and Princess, they did in the original game.
The arena champion's shop doesn't have The Grand Marshall's Aegis. A shield that the original had that granted 2929 Armor and +23 Stamina.
Again. Amazing that you're doing this. And stellar work so far. <3
Hey can you help me? I choose Rogue because you hyped them being the best but I literally cant defeat lvl 2 Wolfs? They deal 20dmg non crit and my Worn Dagger deals 4-5dmg. What am I supposed to do literally at the start of the game
Start as Rogue. Take Lash of Pain in the second magic tree for 2nd level. List goes from there.
3rd-6th lvl: Fury Rogue talents.
7th lvl: Armor passive in Magic Tree
8th lvl-11th lvl: Magic Mage talents up to hp passive. Then max out other Magic side for Polymorph. Then take Pyroblast at level 15.
You can now Polymorph every enemy, adrenaline rush (for high hp enemies), Cold Blood, then Pyroblast. Repeat until the enemy dies.
I ignore Warrior path (Heroic Strike) pretty much period. It has no cool passives, and the abilities aren't as strong against the big enemies as the other trees. Heroic Strike also rolls off of your weapon damage. Meaning some hits are teeny tiny if you roll a 1. And some are strong if you roll higher. Lash of Pain is flat damage. It doesn't roll for the damage, just deals a set amount.
Last thing is to stack agility items for two reasons. Enough agility let's you basically auto crit without having to use Cold Blood, this saving energy. Plus more agility means more energy. Rogue is best because extra agility.
Early game you'll be using a lot of Cold Blood + Lash of Pain, with Frost Nova on the bigger enemies. Late game is Polymorph, Cold Blood + Pyroblast.
Adrenaline Rush is a must.
Hope this helps :)
Hey thank you very much! I take that info into my next run. BUT isn't it weird how Lash of Pain is a must have otherwise you literally cant proceed in the game? I dont remember this being the case in the original release of this game. I think in the original you could slay lvl 1 wolfs in the first screen, lvl 2 wolfs on the second etc. So you were never fully stuck just slaying low level stuff would get you further.
But in this version every wolf on every screen is the same and scales beyond what a Worn Dagger can deal with.
Been playing then both side by side and it's pretty spot on. Lash isn't a "must" but it does make for less of a grind.
Nice
I dont recall the original having scaling monster levels. Was it intended?
Also sometimes sound just keeps on playing "adding XP and leveling up" on repeat
And also skill descriptions are not fully displayed, like, part of it clipped outside of the text box
Nice note on the volume issues, there are still a few things I am working on improving with sound being the main one. With the scaling, some mobs definitely scale and some don't however there are some wolves that are scaling when they shouldn't be. But that whole segment is current under rework atm!
OMG first of all, thank you so much for all your work since the Flash versions.
The only Murloc game I played back in 2012~ish was the Murloc 3. And I loved this game so much that I literally could log off WoW to keep farming on my shaman murloc.
I noticed some differences like not having the skill bar nor the WoW "hand" cursor. Althought I see that some depth are insert on this version (which may or may not needed to be changed to fit it), I really miss the sensation of playing a "2D WoW". Is this new layout permanent? I still love it and I'll keep playing it. But it would even more awesome to have these things back.
Thank you again and keep up the excellent work! :D
Hiya, I am glad you enjoyed the game but note I am not the original creator but someone who has remade the whole game with plans to continue it. As for your points about the UI and such, this is not set in stone and I am looking to improve lots of these areas in the upcoming future!
An idea of a feature to implement. Levels of improvements for our equipment. We would go to a goblin who would offer us to improve our equipment, but in return we have to collect certain items as well as money.
Like the idea tbf I will keep note of it! Thanks!
Hi :)
Super nostalgic playing this again. Found a couple bugs playing the 2.2.2 windows version though:
-The starting dagger sells for 1 silver in stead of 1 copper.
-Equipment from the blacksmith can be equipped when not meeting the level requirement. At least in the classic game you could not equip for instance item level 5 stuff before level 5, but here you can.
-Idk why but weapons aren't showing in the animation when Murk attacks, like it used to in previous versions, he's just smacking with his bare hand.
-Saw a spelling mistake in warrior class description: "combar-oriented"
Keep up the great work!
Hey, thanks for playing and these catches. Some of the spelling mistakes have been done intentionally to make a faithful remake of the game however going forward I will be making lots of changes to the text and gameplay for future expansions
Good morning ! Having played your game 3 times already, I will be waiting a while for new content to appear, but I will continue to monitor the progress!
In the meantime, I have an alert for you (based only on my memory).
There is a combo of spells that once unlocked will allow you to beat any enemy very simply, and it should definitely be corrected.
I no longer have the exact order in mind but it is a question of using the following magic spells:
- The magic spell that turns the enemy into a sheep for a few turns
- During this time, use the spell that changes life points into spell point
- Use the spell that will recharge our life points (or simply use potions but not personally needed)
- Attack the enemy until we have just enough magic points to turn them into a sheep again, and start the procedure again.
Thanks to these combos, I was able to beat all the enemies of the new content of v2, it was too easy and we could imagine something to avoid these combos
Do you plan to create a discord server?
What next content would you like to add as new?
Not even the most op. You go Rogue. Only take the items with agility. Enough agility means you auto CRIT basically 99% of the time. You polymorph, then pyroblast. 3 hit Onyxia with no dust or meat.
Hi TKON, just tried playing the updated version and had a few problems:
1. Graphical errors, wolves went static when attacking, some backgrounds were just static
2. Wolves weren't dropping meat
3. My save file (before the update) loaded , but could not get past the first screen, kept looping.
I can send you a recording of a brief gameplay so you can see the issues.
Is this definitely version v2 version, it should say the version number on the menu. Very odd though I have not had this issue at all, but yes if you can please send a video!
So sorry about the delay! Been busy... and tired. I can still send you the recording, might be an unlisted video if that's ok, or send me an email :)
I also think I realised the problem... I was running left instead of right in the new world xD so my load is ok for now :)
nvm.. it' still glitched :( and the wolf is mighty powerful
might be the fact your save is bugged, I would 100% try using the lastest version of the rgame
Would you be willing to share some source or something? There's some typos I'd love to help fix.. <3
Hey, I generally keep the source code private to avoid people trying to exploit the project and many of the grammar issues I kept in because that's what the original game had a word for word. However they are annoying and I have been changing them all recently
At least make sure the 'You take no candle' becomes 'You no take Candle' as it is supposed to be! <3
Hi, i did the elwynn forest stuff up to the point where the village gets robbed, then i went trough the portal, and the to be continued screen appeared.. After restarting and loading up the save, i am now just stuck in the darkmoon faire with nothing to do and no way of going anywhere else
Hey yeah sorry about that, unfortunately that is the way the original game functions I am afraid. What you wanted to have done is gone through the goblin portal machine to get to the STV content. In the future I do plan on changing this but wanted fully replicate the game as it was first :)
Hey fellow game dev.
I enjoyed the game in the past and just saw this. First I want to thank you for letting us enjoy your incredible work.
After playing (MurlocClassic_V2_PC_STV_2.1.1/Windows 10) sadly my progress got lost because the loading screen got stuck and I didnt save. It crashed at lvl 17 when I wanted to go back through getting into the booth to the forest after defeating the dragon and the last one in the arena. Maybe this will help with some bug fixing.
I'll be looking forward to programming a game with RPG aspects just like this in HTML5 if there is enough time. I would like to share it with you at early stage, since you are one of the reasons I was becoming a developer in the first place :)
Hiya, Thanks for playing the game! Glad you liked it. I am aware of this saving issues and am working on it currently. I think for the HTML5 stuff you really want to eventually progress to using at the least JavaScript too, but then using less web based technologies like python / c++ too!
Sorry for the late reply, I recently got the desktop app for to welcome this platform more frequently. I am currently learning python with some AI projects and I will take that advice to actually begin developing that project today. I have a noisy concept but very often some new things come into mind while programming. I look forward to inform you the moment I have something that can be viewed :)
It seems if you choose to grind the Murlocs to the point that you become level 8 or really any higher level, Fenrius on the Quest becomes unbeatable, because there's no new weapons to buy. Scaling problem.
Interesting, I think your choice of skills plays heavily into how hard that boss is but agreed it needs to be nerfed slightly for sure
I managed to kill it, I was lucky he didn't howl. :<
Can we have a classic graphics option? Murloc RPG: Reforged? LOL
HOLY shit WHAAT!!!! I was just browsing Murlocs on Google Images because I adore them, they're just so funny and saw screenshots of the Murloc RPG game and wanted to play it again.. and there's now a remake and fresh threads SIX DAYS OLD?!?!?!
Can we PLEASE have an official Discord?!
I swear to Jesus i remember playing some shit like this in 2008 or something before ever knowing what WoW is, golden age of Flash was it?. I don't think 5 year old self particularly knew what he was doing. This is great. This is childhood. I am so glad I've re-found it so many years later. Thank you.
Hey Tkon, really appreciate you working on this game.
Can you please nerf the weapon that drops from the last boss in gurubashi arena, it just destroys the point in the game itself. Also, I am assuming you have to script the part where you jump into the portal and go to darkmoon faire cuz the only way I was able to get to there was from a saved load after actually going into the portal and subsequently ending the game.
Once again, you're amazing for working on this.
So assuming a transition point needs to be added or something.
Hey yeah the Askandi, weapon is very strong! But ideally Helm shouldn't really be beaten till really clearing a large part of ZG. However the reason Askandi is so strong is because Onyxia's health pool is so large and thus ideally the player uses that item to help beat that but you are right it needs nerfing to a certain extent.
Also regarding DMF from my understanding that is how the game did originally load in the DMF as it was really a hidden extra zone that you found from loading up a completed save. But I will check this as I think it could of been changed in when the STV content came out back in the day!
Thanks for playing! More content coming soon tm
Okayyy, well, just to clarify, I was able to beat the gurubashi bosses with only using the energy pots and a couple of health pots at like level 10-11 , if you want I can let you know the method I used. It just felt like it was an easy way to go through the mobs both as a mage and warrior .
Did you do this recently? I boosted all the bosses damage too so damn! Yes please if you could outline your method, there is definitely an optimal methods but yeah ideally you just wont be able to do it at such a low level in future!
It was a matter of not letting them do damage. For e.g - as a mage , cast frost nova , cold blood , energy pot , nova , cold blood , energy pot etc . and slowly the boss died. As a warrior I don't recall what I did but there was some sort of a similar method. Maybe for future references a limitation of 2-3-4 energy pots can mitigate this and only be acceptable for onyxia etc :D
Oh, I think at patch 2.0.7 or 2.0.8, something like that , with warrior it was like 1-2 months ago.
Is there some news content? Zones, Boss, mechanics?
Hi, so as it stands this is a complete remake of the original game. But obviously now we are at that point where that work has been mostly completed in the next X number of months I am looking forward to new content.