Couple semi confusing parts, some weird bugs that I couldn't always replicate but sometimes could, (like mobs nnot dying with deep wounds/rend, sometimes they died sometimes they don't....) or never seeing these supposed Hakkar curse cleansing mobs, I just whooped his butt with chance silence from pummel, DoTs, stuns and etc.....
Amazing game. Can't wait for more classes and content to be released. Cheers mate....
That paladin douche canoe? You need a string of luck. Always keep pummel on him, when it wears off stun for 1 round then re-pummel if you miss even one it's likely GG. Other wise keep shield block, shield bash and shield wall on CD. Took me 82 different attempts, and on the 82nd attempt took me 48 rounds. Keep Rend up, too. Pummel > rend.
Hello tkon thank you for reviving this childhood gem of mine! However I have reached a point where I'm stuck. After defeating the gnolls in Westfall I don't know what to do. I have "The Right Key" but I can't open the door the furthest to the left in Westfall. I am collecting cogs from the mobs in hopes of giving them to the goblin in elwyn but it doesn't let me do that either. What do I do in this situation?
Is there a way to decrease the amount of debuffs that you can get? I am higher level think around 18, then the Quill boars but getting murdered by each one with how many poisons they can stack on me, and there is no way to clear the debuffs.
I would suggest to remove the chance of miss of certain skills like stuns and silence. Most of the times missing these skills equals dead. Sometimes enemies cast multiple times in a row without a colddown.
The defensive shield should be buffed, getting crit 2 or 3 times in a row feels bad and a waste of turns and fury. Or at least make crits generate more fury.
Feels like the most efficient way of playing the game becomes avoiding combat most of the times.
I think the challenge should be in the order you use your tools and not in having luck That your tools work when you use them.
Also there should be a way to swap talents, you can get stuck for taking talents in the wrong order, and the game never hints when a silence or stun will become useful.
I would like to have more items on the vendors to spend my money, a better weapon progression and consumables like anti venom or fire resist potions or buffs like scrolls.
Another thing I noticed is the lack of a "consumable" tag on items that have limited use.
These are some of my concerns with the game. The game looks great, but the combat feels more punishing and RNG than the original Murloc.
Hope my feedback can help, I'm wishing to play the other classes :)
Thank you for playing, I think some of this is getting the balance between difficulty right. The original had a very simple set of strategies that worked all the time for every boss which I working hard to move away from, so in that respect the game should be more punishing!
As of the lasts patches I have reduced miss chance already, I think one of the next steps would be to buff overpower / revenge skills that play into that.
Removing it entirely would prevent cool bosses like EVC or Felva who have increased dodge chance, playing into the rogue class fantasy.
I remember Fangus The Mage casting pyroblasts and stuff. Whats this warlock/priest shit casting heal and drain life every other cast just healing back any damage I deal like? lol
I get that..But back to back? Literally casts heal,heal,heal,life drain,lightning bolt,heal,heal,heal,heal.drian life. Like there's no way to get past that with the dmg you deal unless u take pummel for the silence but theres no way to unlearn abilities/talents so unless u have it,youre cooked.
Zhevras are bugged in mulgore. I try to attack them and they just stun me and then die without me attacking them. Quilboars do the same thing. P.S - I died and it unbugged. It happened after finishing straider beaks
So Hakkar is last boss for now right?(killed him) In quest log there is row about stranglethorn vale and also quest about finding core for teleport, went to all sides, talk with everyone but no more progress for me.
That's the 'end of game' right now. After you beat Hakkar it's done. I got around it by having multiple saves, but other then that, that's it right now.... Hopefully there's more!
when youve finished the game loading your save will always put you back at home village, saving in the zg soft lock and loading again will work to get you out without losing anything
Can't reset them and can't move them right now. Currently once you reach lvl 20 you unlock them all anyway, and excess skills/items appear above the skill bar once you reach the main bars limit.
Hey, great job with reviving the game. Bring back nostalgia. I do appreciate the effort you put to reforge the game for all old fans out there.
There few bugs I've discovered myself and others probably. Beside the ones suggested below by kellanheller, the self healing is not working proper as well, it only does 2.5% heal instead 5% as intended. Also critical heal it doesn't provide an extra life, is the same amount like normal.
Again great job and appreciate the effort you put in the game. Looking forward for the other classes as well.
seems that deep wounds only has a chance on ability crit to trigger, ive seen many revenge and mortal strike crits that dont trigger it, ive also seen blood rage crit and apply deep wounds occasionally (for the same amount of self damage as non-crit) level requirements on equipment are not at all required (at level 1 after selling a wolf meet i was wearing the level 5 armor from the vendor) any bleed damage that brings an enemies health to 0 doesnt kill them, all minor issues but it does suck when you lose a close fight that wouldve been a win if deep wounds actually triggered on a crit or when you die to a poison at the end of a turn cycle. Mortal strike debuff doesnt actually reduce healing done by an enemy, and would be nice to impliment ability cooldowns on enemies aswell (having a stormwind guard at 150ish hp to watch kick x3 into rest x3 followed by more kick spam just feels like you may aswell make them skull level and 1 shot you upon entering combat)
appreciate the community involvement, still has some work to be done with bug fixes but nonetheless all the nostalgia from playing the original as a kid is there, looking forward to seeing any of the added content there may be compared to the original :)
gotcha, all good brother i was just curious. i was playing the original as a kid maybe 8 or 9 years old when we didn’t have time on wow and im now 25 so its dope to see you bringing the game back and with more content. i’ll be downloading it on my pc as soon as i get home
Do I have to do something to unlock the other classes, it doesn't let me select them. Also am currently level 7 and still can't beat feronius, who is level 6, do I have to grind to beat him? Alot tougher than he used to be, have best gear for pre feronius but still get wrekt
You've done a great job recreating this gem of a flash game. I absolutely did not expect an Inbetweeners reference but it still made me laugh. Keep it up Tkon!
Pretty damn good recreation of the original and the expanded stuff is great too but the combat definetly has some very werid balancing issues. Like ANYTHING with drain life just becomes a nearly unwinnable war of attrition, if not actually unwinnable.
Hey Tkon, don't listen to the haters on this comment section. Buncha chronically online dips who are somehow still bad at video games...
I know there hasn't been much progress on this in awhile, and I see your last comment was about two years ago. Life happens man, that's okay :)
Hope things get better, and if they already are and that's what's stopping progress on this, congrats! Just wanted to reiterate my appreciation for the work you've done so far on this game. It has brought me back to one of the few happy moments in my childhood.
And to be clear for those in the comments. Get good, I've beaten this whole thing 6 times with every build possible. All the way to Onyxia and Darkmoon. Yes it's buggy, but it's free and a passion project for this guy so chill out. And even if you donated money, chill out, you did that of your own accord.
One thing to note, I think the 2.2.2 Android version isn't compatible with current Android OS, it installs (sort of) but won't open anymore, so I guess it's time to install on PC!
This game is complete garbage compared to the old one. The only improvement I can see is that you actually see the weapon you're using when you attack.
Armor still does next to nothing, the exp display is useless.
For whatever reason, now the enemies are always at the same level as you, instead of harder enemies being further into the forest, and easy enemies being near the start.
I beat it as a mage by eventually abusinng cold blood pyroclasm to beat Feronius . I don't think any other build can get past him right now. I think the portal to Onyxia is broken, counter attacks can happen even when im not being attacked, just whenever it's the enemy's turn. Polymorph makes the target unable to act even after they break out of it, so combine this with cold blood pyroclasm, a lot of agility and it's over
Just a question - is this still in development? I'm seeing comments from more than a year ago speaking about the current version...which, by the way, is unplayable. It's buggy, the screen on PC version is just too damn small, and Feronius, the very first challenge, is insurmountable. I'd love for this game to get a full revamp but it doesn't seem that's what this is - it's a revamp to the graphics, and to the first boss to make it impossible.
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How to find felva? Or help her get the necklace?
Played, beaten, enjoyed.
Couple semi confusing parts, some weird bugs that I couldn't always replicate but sometimes could, (like mobs nnot dying with deep wounds/rend, sometimes they died sometimes they don't....) or never seeing these supposed Hakkar curse cleansing mobs, I just whooped his butt with chance silence from pummel, DoTs, stuns and etc.....
Amazing game. Can't wait for more classes and content to be released. Cheers mate....
Also is there a change log somewhere? Love to see what the updates do....
Anyone knows how to defeat helm? Lvl20 1950hp
That paladin douche canoe? You need a string of luck. Always keep pummel on him, when it wears off stun for 1 round then re-pummel if you miss even one it's likely GG. Other wise keep shield block, shield bash and shield wall on CD. Took me 82 different attempts, and on the 82nd attempt took me 48 rounds. Keep Rend up, too. Pummel > rend.
Hello tkon thank you for reviving this childhood gem of mine! However I have reached a point where I'm stuck. After defeating the gnolls in Westfall I don't know what to do. I have "The Right Key" but I can't open the door the furthest to the left in Westfall. I am collecting cogs from the mobs in hopes of giving them to the goblin in elwyn but it doesn't let me do that either. What do I do in this situation?
Go to Dusk wood. Other side of map. Get other key then go to Deadmines and continue.
Ah, thank you very much! I am now on track to continue the game.
in stv i engage a tiger and it transforms into a harpy 80% of the time
Lucky you. TOok an hour to get two harpies (required for a quest). Enjoy them.
So the Stormwind guards can block overpower (which defeats the point of the ability) and crits.Makes sense
Is there a way to decrease the amount of debuffs that you can get? I am higher level think around 18, then the Quill boars but getting murdered by each one with how many poisons they can stack on me, and there is no way to clear the debuffs.
Don't know if that's on purpose but sometimes when I encounter enemies in stv a harpy comes into it's place and only tries to run away.
That's intended, you'll get a quest to kill two later on. You can tell which mobs are harpies by the shadow.
I would suggest to remove the chance of miss of certain skills like stuns and silence. Most of the times missing these skills equals dead. Sometimes enemies cast multiple times in a row without a colddown.
The defensive shield should be buffed, getting crit 2 or 3 times in a row feels bad and a waste of turns and fury. Or at least make crits generate more fury.
Feels like the most efficient way of playing the game becomes avoiding combat most of the times.
I think the challenge should be in the order you use your tools and not in having luck That your tools work when you use them.
Also there should be a way to swap talents, you can get stuck for taking talents in the wrong order, and the game never hints when a silence or stun will become useful.
I would like to have more items on the vendors to spend my money, a better weapon progression and consumables like anti venom or fire resist potions or buffs like scrolls.
Another thing I noticed is the lack of a "consumable" tag on items that have limited use.
These are some of my concerns with the game. The game looks great, but the combat feels more punishing and RNG than the original Murloc.
Hope my feedback can help, I'm wishing to play the other classes :)
P.S. Serpents are BS.
Thank you for playing, I think some of this is getting the balance between difficulty right. The original had a very simple set of strategies that worked all the time for every boss which I working hard to move away from, so in that respect the game should be more punishing!
As of the lasts patches I have reduced miss chance already, I think one of the next steps would be to buff overpower / revenge skills that play into that.
Removing it entirely would prevent cool bosses like EVC or Felva who have increased dodge chance, playing into the rogue class fantasy.
Thank you for playing!
Are the other classes not available yet? It doesn't let me select anything other than Raider
Not yet :)
where is dave of the forest ( or if its in deadmines door) i cant get in with 8x RIGHT key
I remember Fangus The Mage casting pyroblasts and stuff. Whats this warlock/priest shit casting heal and drain life every other cast just healing back any damage I deal like? lol
Fangus did have a health drain in the OG game!
I get that..But back to back? Literally casts heal,heal,heal,life drain,lightning bolt,heal,heal,heal,heal.drian life. Like there's no way to get past that with the dmg you deal unless u take pummel for the silence but theres no way to unlearn abilities/talents so unless u have it,youre cooked.
when i launch the new alpha version on pc, i just see black screen with epic sounds and can't do anything
Some bugs I experienced in version 3.0.3
Overpower cannot be blocked but Stormwind guards dont care lol
Also shield block don't block crits at all, in wow you can't get crit if you block
Yeah I noticed the shield block one right away. Felt terrible to use it only to be crit back to back by a wolf,feels like a waste of an ability.
Zhevras are bugged in mulgore. I try to attack them and they just stun me and then die without me attacking them. Quilboars do the same thing. P.S - I died and it unbugged. It happened after finishing straider beaks
So Hakkar is last boss for now right?(killed him) In quest log there is row about stranglethorn vale and also quest about finding core for teleport, went to all sides, talk with everyone but no more progress for me.
Did you beat the Darkmoon Faire?
Ok did that, that 60 lvl mob was one shoting me so I was like, I am not ready for that :D
where drops totem to curse hakari dots? Had one, used it, I died and never dropped/see it again :(
The serpents ;)
OMG nice, was just unlucky, serpent did not spawn as I went to hakkar :D thanks
I'm stuck :( I revisted the area where the last fight with Hakkar is after beating the game and now I can not leave.
That's the 'end of game' right now. After you beat Hakkar it's done. I got around it by having multiple saves, but other then that, that's it right now.... Hopefully there's more!
What version are you on? I made a tweak to resolve this
It occurrd in version 3.0.3 and still persists in 3.0.4 for android.
You are a legend, the latest update fixed the problem. Keep up the great work man!
when youve finished the game loading your save will always put you back at home village, saving in the zg soft lock and loading again will work to get you out without losing anything
This does not seem to fix my soft lock. I've tried multiple things :(
Is there anyway to reset talents? Also how to move skills in action bar on android?
Can't reset them and can't move them right now. Currently once you reach lvl 20 you unlock them all anyway, and excess skills/items appear above the skill bar once you reach the main bars limit.
Bug - Talking to the flying Emerald Dragon freezes in swamp of sorrows the game
Have the same problem on Android
Bug - Sea Captain Bertrand key quest repeats, you can get a lot of "The Right Key" (I have 2 keys taking up bag space I can't remove)
Bug- You can accidently sell the Teleporter Gizmo item
Suggestion - Make Enemies Miss too.. currently they hit 100% and we miss a ton lol and maybe improve our accuracy just a tad...
For sure, on both of these! Expect future hotfixes <3
I also recommend this browser game 👉 Stimulation Clicker
Perfectly captures our digital overload with hilarious upgrades and chaotic fun.
Give it a try when you need a quick brain break - the satisfying ending is worth the clicks!
lmao why does the first mob deal 10-20 damage when you only deal 1?
how tf you even supposed to play this?
Dawg have you heard of using more damaging skills
Refresh the very first zone outside of the Camp - It will have a lvl one wolf, they increase in levels the further out you venture.
Hey, great job with reviving the game. Bring back nostalgia. I do appreciate the effort you put to reforge the game for all old fans out there.
There few bugs I've discovered myself and others probably. Beside the ones suggested below by kellanheller, the self healing is not working proper as well, it only does 2.5% heal instead 5% as intended. Also critical heal it doesn't provide an extra life, is the same amount like normal.
Again great job and appreciate the effort you put in the game. Looking forward for the other classes as well.
seems that deep wounds only has a chance on ability crit to trigger, ive seen many revenge and mortal strike crits that dont trigger it, ive also seen blood rage crit and apply deep wounds occasionally (for the same amount of self damage as non-crit) level requirements on equipment are not at all required (at level 1 after selling a wolf meet i was wearing the level 5 armor from the vendor) any bleed damage that brings an enemies health to 0 doesnt kill them, all minor issues but it does suck when you lose a close fight that wouldve been a win if deep wounds actually triggered on a crit or when you die to a poison at the end of a turn cycle. Mortal strike debuff doesnt actually reduce healing done by an enemy, and would be nice to impliment ability cooldowns on enemies aswell (having a stormwind guard at 150ish hp to watch kick x3 into rest x3 followed by more kick spam just feels like you may aswell make them skull level and 1 shot you upon entering combat)
issue that isnt as minor and actually halts progress, killed princess, no quest item, cant fight princess again
You dont get a quest item, just the shield. You should head back to lemon after that
appreciate the community involvement, still has some work to be done with bug fixes but nonetheless all the nostalgia from playing the original as a kid is there, looking forward to seeing any of the added content there may be compared to the original :)
I'm on the latest(I believe) for Reforged Android (3.0.1) and I haven't found chests yet, are they just further than normal beginning?
Chests are not in this version yet!
any plans to release on ios?
It's complicated, IOS side loading isn't easy and the app store likely won't accept this
gotcha, all good brother i was just curious. i was playing the original as a kid maybe 8 or 9 years old when we didn’t have time on wow and im now 25 so its dope to see you bringing the game back and with more content. i’ll be downloading it on my pc as soon as i get home
Hi i love the game i was just wondering on pc is there any way to make the screen bigger its way too small to play please let me know
Not yet, looking into it, thanks for playing though!
You can use Borderless Gaming tool to make it scale to your screen size
I used windows loupe. :-D
Are you looking to get this translated into other languages? I could volunteer to translate it into Russian if you're interested!
Do I have to do something to unlock the other classes, it doesn't let me select them. Also am currently level 7 and still can't beat feronius, who is level 6, do I have to grind to beat him? Alot tougher than he used to be, have best gear for pre feronius but still get wrekt
Hi, no the other classes are not in the game yet. As for feronious you can just grind if you to level him but he should be pretty beatable
Yeah, had built all one side of skill tree, evened it out and now it worked
Also sometimes when I die all my gear dissapears? Where did it go?
Erm not sure that's quite odd. Are you playing on 3.02?
You've done a great job recreating this gem of a flash game. I absolutely did not expect an Inbetweeners reference but it still made me laugh. Keep it up Tkon!
Omg! Hahah I'm glad you got that!
Genuinely made me say out loud "no you fuckin didn't you said awobabobob."
Couple of typos I noticed, a lot of "their/theirs" should've been "there/there's" and vice verse, along with "your/yours" and "you're."
If I come across anything more I'll be sure to let you know - but once again keep up the good work!
You're a legend, thanks for supporting the project since day one!
Pretty damn good recreation of the original and the expanded stuff is great too but the combat definetly has some very werid balancing issues. Like ANYTHING with drain life just becomes a nearly unwinnable war of attrition, if not actually unwinnable.
Are you playing the alpha for the new version or the older game?
Playing Murloc_Reforged_V3_ALPHA_3.0.1, so if theres balancing/fixes on a different versions then my woes are on me lol
Ah so pummel will prevent mob casts in some cases and you can stun mobs to buy time too!
Yeah, I've leveled up a bit more and both the stun skills help a whole lot in combat for sure
Hey Tkon, don't listen to the haters on this comment section. Buncha chronically online dips who are somehow still bad at video games...
I know there hasn't been much progress on this in awhile, and I see your last comment was about two years ago. Life happens man, that's okay :)
Hope things get better, and if they already are and that's what's stopping progress on this, congrats! Just wanted to reiterate my appreciation for the work you've done so far on this game. It has brought me back to one of the few happy moments in my childhood.
And to be clear for those in the comments. Get good, I've beaten this whole thing 6 times with every build possible. All the way to Onyxia and Darkmoon. Yes it's buggy, but it's free and a passion project for this guy so chill out. And even if you donated money, chill out, you did that of your own accord.
One thing to note, I think the 2.2.2 Android version isn't compatible with current Android OS, it installs (sort of) but won't open anymore, so I guess it's time to install on PC!
Keep up the good work Tkon!
You a real one, thank you <3
This game is complete garbage compared to the old one. The only improvement I can see is that you actually see the weapon you're using when you attack.
Armor still does next to nothing, the exp display is useless.
For whatever reason, now the enemies are always at the same level as you, instead of harder enemies being further into the forest, and easy enemies being near the start.
Go outside man.
It seems the attack and defence don't have bug, its just rhe enemy is well balance, also the first fox boss can be defeated at lvl 6, with magic path,
1. Ice nova
2. Turn the enemy to sheep
3. Fire skill thay cast on 3rd turn
It crtical and done
Just finish the game today beat onx dragon as well. I beat everything. Good game
I beat it as a mage by eventually abusinng cold blood pyroclasm to beat Feronius . I don't think any other build can get past him right now. I think the portal to Onyxia is broken, counter attacks can happen even when im not being attacked, just whenever it's the enemy's turn. Polymorph makes the target unable to act even after they break out of it, so combine this with cold blood pyroclasm, a lot of agility and it's over
Where to see Feronious? I miss this one boss
Just a question - is this still in development? I'm seeing comments from more than a year ago speaking about the current version...which, by the way, is unplayable. It's buggy, the screen on PC version is just too damn small, and Feronius, the very first challenge, is insurmountable. I'd love for this game to get a full revamp but it doesn't seem that's what this is - it's a revamp to the graphics, and to the first boss to make it impossible.
I played this game when I was like 12 and didn't even know WoW exsisted. So glad I found it again after so many years :D