hello the weapon still has no damage defense is useless and i can't go over level 9 it got even worse from a year ago nothing change did you even do any progress?
Hey there, absolutely cherish this game and the nostalgia it brings! However I am currently having trouble with the apk not loading. The 2.2.2 version will download but stays on a black sceen until I get a notification stating MurlocClassic isnt responding with the option to either Close App or Wait. Waiting of course only repeats the same notification and the 1.01.1 version is not available for my device.
Although I would love to be positive about the game I just simply can’t do that. The reason for that is that the armor does nothing which makes this game basically impossible because the first boss is nearly unbeatable.
I beat the game by level 16, first boss takes MAYBE a couple levels of grinding, after that its just resource heavy to beat bosses, i really have bo idea what your talking about lol. But the bonus boss onyxia isnt accessable whitch is a fartt
Managed to fix the game by doing a phone repair, now ive gotten the quest to kill hakkar, but hakkar isnt there after clearing zul gurub. After killing jeklok with ambush i omly see zelva the rogoue stalking around no interaction, and jeklok respawned back as well
In classic 2.2.2, I have a problem. Armor seems to do nothing. I'm level 9 with over 400 armor, and it seems to make no difference compared to 0 armor. I take the same amount of damage, and every hit lands. What purpose does armor serve?
Also, is there any way to make it fullscreen?
Also: Where do I get a better weapon than the 2-3 damage dagger? I can't kill Feronious. I'm level 12 and even with abilities like Charge and Frost Nova I just can't kill him. Pummel doesn't stop him from howling. Nothing works!!!
Hey just a few findings on MurlocClassic_V2_PC_2.2.2:
- Armor value doesn't work. I tested it at multiple levels with whatever armor I could use and without it. Ex: Lvl 3 Wolves hit for around 30, and crit of 42. This dmg is regardless of what armor I was wearing.
- My basic attack doesn't get stronger when I level up. At lvl 3 I'm still hitting 4's with the short sword (1-3dmg). So I'm don't think the strength stat is factoring into dmg.
- The beginning zone with the wolves are all your current level compared to the original that depended on how far deep you were into the zone. So at lvl 3 I could still fight lvl 1 wolves at the first layer of the zone. This isn't necessarily a bug but thought I'd bring it to attention.
I'd love to help with this project if you're down. I've dabbled in unity and am a software engineer by trade.
I did not expect to end it in around 1,5h I hope this games gets more updates, half of the screenshots shown on this page wasn't in my game not sure why
Nice work friend, but I have a problem. Whenever I try to start the game the program gets stuck on the loading screen, does anyone know how to fix this?
HEY! Thanks for putting in all the work to expand on the original game! Do you have any plans on continuing this project or do you view it as completed?
no. he is right.. well... partly. he probably has the same bug that i have currently Felva did not teach me the ambush skill. any bug fixes on the way?
Not able to maximize window, even with alt+enter, but it's the good old game, just as we know it. Updated graphics, which is awesome, and it seems like updated gameplay as well. Great job!
Can't get past the wolf boss he keeps spaming the fear were cant attack for two rounds but he hits u for two and why is the dps so low but the enemys is high explain?
Hey, do you have a Patreon? I grew up on this game. I've beat it so many times as a kid. I was playing this with my cousins before any Triple-A game I can think of. I can't do a lot, but a way to talk about updates, and support you as you develope the game sounds great to me.
in terms of RTX settings (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060), what do you recommend? as the version i am playing (V2_PC_2.2.2.zip) is quite off timing with some animations. Plus, am i playing the right version or an old one by any chance?
hello I download the game everything work but the dagger you get when beating the wolf boss does not have damage, anyway so I can't go into the portal at the goblin (can't access the stranglethorn vale content) also the game ends when I enter the portal to the circus how do I get episode 2?
Nostalgia! Does anybody know if developer or someone else has made part 2 or something? Bro imagine murloc based online mmo rpg, i would pay monthly sub for that.
eyyyy, loved the original and still play it on kong, I think I just 100%-ed the original just recently and cant wait for this game ( Can't download it though, so I hope a browser version does come soon)
For working hard on a flash game, I've payed as a kid (before i even knew english XD) It twinkles my heart and it is beautiful i get to enjoy it thnks to you
Hey there, I've noticed that the game is almost unplayable because the scaling on the levels is wrong. The enemies close to camp are the same level as the one furthest away, which makes it very hard to level up and use anything other then the heroic strike skill if you wanna win the battle. Also I think that the armor value doesn't work cause the enemies hit like trucks and I can't buy better gear. I understand that you are only on person, but until that is fixed I'm gonna play the original. Take care :)
Anyone else unable to beat Feronius The Ferocious? I've been grinding but he keeps leveling with me, so here I am level 8 and am it's only getting harder. am I just specced wrong and utterly fucked? I went full warrior skill tree, then went to the healer one. no matter what I do I can't win
I strongly agree. I keep grinding on other wolves and try every level, it's been a couple of hours. If I can't beat him by level 10 (In the old version I beat him soundly at level 5) I'm going to keep playing the old one.
I agree with what other people have mentioned, the armor doesn't register and the game acts like it's not there. Wolves are hitting me critically with over 100 damage and my critical attacks are dealing 18-29 damage.
I really really love this game (I'm still hopeful it will get a proper ending someday) but I might set it aside for now.
Fascinating that this exists, however even from the early game in Elwynn forest I noticed that armor barely does anything (if it means anything at all since the damage doesn't get reduced, only increases steadily with level ups) and the wolves can destroy you as a result. Feels like the only defense you have against enemies leveling up is getting the protective skills/spells first, which limits freedom and satisfaction greatly
Hey, are you willing to upload the entire unity project somewhere? I would love to just mess around with my unity powers in the game I loved as a kid xD Might even find some bugs here and there and just send you the line/s of code that fixes said bug. Winwin
merhaba ilk önce oyunu bilgisayarıma indirdim kurmak için murlocexe dosyasına tıkladım yüklendi oyun açıldı ama siyah ekranda kaldı bu hata son versiyonda oldu lütfen sorunu nasıl çözüceğimi söyle çocukluğumun oyununu oynamak istiyorum bu oyun benim için çok özel ilk oynadığım rpg oyundur ayrıca bu versiyonda orjinal versiyondan ne farkı var söylermisin
hey, where can I find the save file of the game? I played it on my friends computer and I was pretty far in the game, but I want to continue with my save. I tried to export the registry file:
← Return to game
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hello the weapon still has no damage defense is useless and i can't go over level 9 it got even worse from a year ago nothing change did you even do any progress?
Hey there, absolutely cherish this game and the nostalgia it brings! However I am currently having trouble with the apk not loading. The 2.2.2 version will download but stays on a black sceen until I get a notification stating MurlocClassic isnt responding with the option to either Close App or Wait. Waiting of course only repeats the same notification and the 1.01.1 version is not available for my device.
Update: I was able to see the tkon intro and tap on New Game but then I was stuck on this loading screen
Although I would love to be positive about the game I just simply can’t do that. The reason for that is that the armor does nothing which makes this game basically impossible because the first boss is nearly unbeatable.
I beat the game by level 16, first boss takes MAYBE a couple levels of grinding, after that its just resource heavy to beat bosses, i really have bo idea what your talking about lol. But the bonus boss onyxia isnt accessable whitch is a fartt
It seems like the "XP Gained" text is displaying xp required for each level. For example 4900 xp is needed to go from level 7 to 8.
can you message me on discord? i want to help where i can im a game developer and this game is what got me into it
code9mill is my discord
Managed to fix the game by doing a phone repair, now ive gotten the quest to kill hakkar, but hakkar isnt there after clearing zul gurub. After killing jeklok with ambush i omly see zelva the rogoue stalking around no interaction, and jeklok respawned back as well
How come when i took the portal to darkmoon the game ended and now the login screen when i click on my save is stuck on load and the game crashes.
:( android v2
This is gonna be fantastic, im not only gonna enjoy it, im gonna suppor it, and im comming!!!
Hello, When I open this game on my pc It launches as a tiny unsizable window. alt+enter doesn't work nor does f11.
OMG, I remember spending hours upon hours playing this when I was 11. Just the screenshots make me shed tears, will definitely give it a play asap
In classic 2.2.2, I have a problem. Armor seems to do nothing. I'm level 9 with over 400 armor, and it seems to make no difference compared to 0 armor. I take the same amount of damage, and every hit lands. What purpose does armor serve?
Also, is there any way to make it fullscreen?
Also: Where do I get a better weapon than the 2-3 damage dagger? I can't kill Feronious. I'm level 12 and even with abilities like Charge and Frost Nova I just can't kill him. Pummel doesn't stop him from howling. Nothing works!!!
same ahah
Feronious is the hardest boss in the game... You need to be lucky and have steaks and dust to kill him
drop weapons from the arena.
Hey just a few findings on MurlocClassic_V2_PC_2.2.2:
- Armor value doesn't work. I tested it at multiple levels with whatever armor I could use and without it. Ex: Lvl 3 Wolves hit for around 30, and crit of 42. This dmg is regardless of what armor I was wearing.
- My basic attack doesn't get stronger when I level up. At lvl 3 I'm still hitting 4's with the short sword (1-3dmg). So I'm don't think the strength stat is factoring into dmg.
- The beginning zone with the wolves are all your current level compared to the original that depended on how far deep you were into the zone. So at lvl 3 I could still fight lvl 1 wolves at the first layer of the zone. This isn't necessarily a bug but thought I'd bring it to attention.
I'd love to help with this project if you're down. I've dabbled in unity and am a software engineer by trade.
I noticed all the same bugs. I'm an experienced C++ developer, and I'd be glad to help in any way as well.
I did not expect to end it in around 1,5h I hope this games gets more updates, half of the screenshots shown on this page wasn't in my game not sure why
There's a portal at the far right of the map that teleport you to the rest of the game.
HEY! Thanks for putting in all the work to expand on the original game! Do you have any plans on continuing this project or do you view it as completed?
Jeklok needs to fix (his health 99999) android V2 357MB
This is intentional you should be using the move that was taught to you in order to kill him
no. he is right.. well... partly. he probably has the same bug that i have currently Felva did not teach me the ambush skill. any bug fixes on the way?
you need to have a dagger equiped! I couldn't ambush with great sword but it worked when I used the Grand Marshall's Dirk. Someone suck me please!
Not able to maximize window, even with alt+enter, but it's the good old game, just as we know it. Updated graphics, which is awesome, and it seems like updated gameplay as well. Great job!
Can't get past the wolf boss he keeps spaming the fear were cant attack for two rounds but he hits u for two and why is the dps so low but the enemys is high explain?
Gotta git gud
Hey, do you have a Patreon? I grew up on this game. I've beat it so many times as a kid. I was playing this with my cousins before any Triple-A game I can think of. I can't do a lot, but a way to talk about updates, and support you as you develope the game sounds great to me.
in terms of RTX settings (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060), what do you recommend? as the version i am playing (V2_PC_2.2.2.zip) is quite off timing with some animations. Plus, am i playing the right version or an old one by any chance?
hello I download the game everything work but the dagger you get when beating the wolf boss does not have damage, anyway so I can't go into the portal at the goblin (can't access the stranglethorn vale content) also the game ends when I enter the portal to the circus how do I get episode 2?
What version of the game did you download, it might be worth checking you installed the second one
sorry about the late reply i almost forgot about this game i downlaoded the v2
A little new sir ? :3
Nostalgia! Does anybody know if developer or someone else has made part 2 or something? Bro imagine murloc based online mmo rpg, i would pay monthly sub for that.
eyyyy, loved the original and still play it on kong, I think I just 100%-ed the original just recently and cant wait for this game ( Can't download it though, so I hope a browser version does come soon)
For working hard on a flash game, I've payed as a kid (before i even knew english XD) It twinkles my heart and it is beautiful i get to enjoy it thnks to you
Hey there, I've noticed that the game is almost unplayable because the scaling on the levels is wrong. The enemies close to camp are the same level as the one furthest away, which makes it very hard to level up and use anything other then the heroic strike skill if you wanna win the battle. Also I think that the armor value doesn't work cause the enemies hit like trucks and I can't buy better gear. I understand that you are only on person, but until that is fixed I'm gonna play the original. Take care :)
All the wolves scale to your level. As far as all the values they are still the same as the original flash game.
In the original, the wolves closer to the camp were weaker even if you were a high level.
A little update to Christmas sir ? ლ(^o^ლ)
Working on stuff but life :(
no prob we can wait :3 Happy new years Tkon !
Anyone else unable to beat Feronius The Ferocious? I've been grinding but he keeps leveling with me, so here I am level 8 and am it's only getting harder. am I just specced wrong and utterly fucked? I went full warrior skill tree, then went to the healer one. no matter what I do I can't win
Not really, I did it at 9 or 10 with charge, pummel and execute to finish him off
I strongly agree. I keep grinding on other wolves and try every level, it's been a couple of hours. If I can't beat him by level 10 (In the old version I beat him soundly at level 5) I'm going to keep playing the old one.
I agree with what other people have mentioned, the armor doesn't register and the game acts like it's not there. Wolves are hitting me critically with over 100 damage and my critical attacks are dealing 18-29 damage.
I really really love this game (I'm still hopeful it will get a proper ending someday) but I might set it aside for now.
One more update sir please ? :'3
Is Murloc 2 merged into this game?
I downloaded Murloc 2 from http://www.softoware.org/games/download-murloc-2-for-windows.html and after installing the game I get an error "class not registered".
Please help fix
I downloaded the game from the above link. the window appears very small. any way to increase its size and make it bigger?
Fascinating that this exists, however even from the early game in Elwynn forest I noticed that armor barely does anything (if it means anything at all since the damage doesn't get reduced, only increases steadily with level ups) and the wolves can destroy you as a result. Feels like the only defense you have against enemies leveling up is getting the protective skills/spells first, which limits freedom and satisfaction greatly
Just dealt a measly 3 damage to a wolf that had 6 hp on level 4 with the Murloc shop's sword. Huh?
Seems to run a lot slower then the original flash version off Flashpoint. Still, I'll give it a shot, if it has new content...
Edit: Appears to have no new content beyond what was in the flash Stranglethorn version. Nor any content from episode 2.
Hey there, Im the only one who cannot defeat Feronious the Ferocious for god sake? I tried everything but that thing is unbeatable
Not by the time you find him. You're gonna have to grind.
Hey, are you willing to upload the entire unity project somewhere? I would love to just mess around with my unity powers in the game I loved as a kid xD Might even find some bugs here and there and just send you the line/s of code that fixes said bug. Winwin
YOOO I just randomly remembered this game and saw it's being updated??? WILD! I hope they don't decide to hit you with the 'cease & desist' stuff too!
merhaba ilk önce oyunu bilgisayarıma indirdim kurmak için murlocexe dosyasına tıkladım yüklendi oyun açıldı ama siyah ekranda kaldı bu hata son versiyonda oldu lütfen sorunu nasıl çözüceğimi söyle çocukluğumun oyununu oynamak istiyorum bu oyun benim için çok özel ilk oynadığım rpg oyundur ayrıca bu versiyonda orjinal versiyondan ne farkı var söylermisin
Hello, what about next release ?
hey, where can I find the save file of the game? I played it on my friends computer and I was pretty far in the game, but I want to continue with my save. I tried to export the registry file:
but nothing happens...
is there any way to export the game save?
Seems to be located at
Is there an ETA on the next patch? I'm a big fan, played thru your version a few times and excited to see what you do next.